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Původní příspěvek:
(anonymní) 05.09.2010 00:40:04 id4407  

Mockrát děkuji, mám Letters of Tolkien, ale přeložit si jednotlivé pasáže je dost obtížné. Zaujala mě ještě jedna věc o Sauronovi. Byl bys tak hodný a ještě toto přeložil? Děkuji

The time would come, however, when Sauron was almost wholly consumed by evil. Tolkien wrote that he did not think there could be such a thing as "Absolute Evil" ("since that is Zero"), but "in my story Sauron represents as near an approach to wholly evil as is possible. He had gone the way of all tyrants, beginning well, at least on the level that while desiring to order all things according to his own wisdom he still at first considered the (economic) well-being of other inhabitants of the Earth. But he went further than human tyrants in pride and the lust for domination, being in origin an immortal (angelic) spirit."