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Původní příspěvek:
09.01.2006 22:29:41 id892 Re: Helcar  

V PM se nepíše nic explicitně, pouze tam JRRT popisuje pouť Eldar, resp. lidí skrz "vnitřní moře", jež v daném kontextu nazývá Rhún. Tj. podle této verze by přimnejmenším na začátku Prvního věku (probuzení lidí) stále existoval Rhún, a tedy Helcar buď už dávno nebyl, anebo byl jinde (což není ale moc pravděpodobné, nezbývá "místo").

Zajímavější je ovšem pasáž z předchozího svazku, War of the Jewels (píše v poznámce Christopher):

In the texts of the post-Lord of the Rings period there is the statement in the Grey Annals (GA) $57 that it was 'in the midmostregions of the world', as in the emended reading of AV 2; and there is the new phrase in the revision of QS, 'in the midmost parts of Middle-earth beyond the Great River and the Inner Sea' (with loss of the mention in the original text of 'the eastern sea'). This last shows unambiguously that a change had taken place, but it is very hard to say what it was. It cannot be made to agree with the old Ambarkanta maps: one might indeed doubt that those maps carried much validity for the eastern regions by this time, and wonder whether by 'the Inner Sea' my father was referring to 'the Inland Sea of Rhun' (see The Treason of Isengard pp. 307, 333) - but on the other hand, in the Annals of Aman (X.72, 82) from this same period the Great Journey of the Elves from Kuivienen ('a bay in the Inland Sea of Helkar') is described in terms that suggest that the old conception was still fully present. Can the Sea of Rhun be identified with the Sea of Helkar, vastly shrunken? - Nor is it easy to understand how Hildorien 'in the midmost parts of Middle-earth' could be 'in regions which neither the Eldar nor the Avari have known'.