Křižíkova is located in an area called Karlín, which was heavily damaged during the flooding in 2002. The name of the station derives from a nearby street, which is named after František Křižík - a famous Czech engineer, inventor of the electric arc lamp and constructor of the first electric tramway in Bohemia.
The station itself has one surface ticket-hall, which has been built as a ground-floor building in the middle of Thámova street. It was built in 1990 and the platform is 34.8 metres deep, which is quite average value among the bored stations in Prague.
Křižíkova is rather interesting for is layout, because when you go down the escalators from the ticket-hall, you don't get directly to the platform level, but to a corridor, from where you have to go once more downstairs to the central aisle of the station. Similar layuot is in Vysočanská.
Zobrazit místo Prague Metro na větší mapě
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
The station building with the ticket-hall in Thámova street.
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
The other side of the staton building. On this end of the building there is a fine bakery as you can see, while the entrances of the ticket hall are in the side (one of them is visible on the right under the yellow Metro sign).
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
The ticket hall inside the statioin building.
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
And the upper end of the escalators.
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
The escalator shaft as viewed from the bottom.
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
This is the above-mentioned corridor, which even splits into two passages and then continues to the right.
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
Hhe next section of the corridor from the two passages. I the background you can see the stairs going down to the platform level.
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
A look back to the escalators through the corridor.
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
Another view of the corridor, this time from the stairway.
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
And this is the above-mentioned stairway, the picture taken from the same place as the previous one.
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
The same stairway from below.
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
And finally the central aisle of the station.
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
The eastbound platform.
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
And the westbound platform with a train of the old 8171 series.
 © Matej Cadil - 1 December 2006 |
The same train now daparting for Florenc.
Above you can see a display with a German version of a message just rolling in, which is saying that this train terminates at Smíchovské nádraí (and thus not going all the way to Zličín, which is regular terminus of line B).